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The Real Ghost Stories

Caught Red Handed 

As a child, I frequently visited my family members from Mexico and spent a lot of that time sleeping over at my cousins houses and things of that sort so I was very close to them and therefore acclimated well when I moved there

I moved to Mexico for about a year and attended a Catholic school there

This was when I was in sixth grade and I was around 11-12 years old at the time

I am now 17 and entering my senior year in high school

This story may be a bit lengthy but its kind of two stories in one. Now if you've read my previous story, you'll know that I grew up Catholic and somewhat religious

You'll also know that I mentioned I've never really had any paranormal experiences, but the more I read the intriguing stories on this site, the more I start to to remember very minor things that have happened in my past that make me a believer in the supernatural. Anyway, attending Catholic school meant saying prayers every morning before classes and having school assembelies about God and Jesus and all that mumbo jumbo

(Don't mean to be offensive to any of you I just no longer believe in any sort of religion)

I'm sorry I should actually be a lot more respectful of peoples beliefs

Shame on me

So at this stage in my life I was a strong believer in God and believed he watched over me and that I would have consequences if I ever sinned. One night, I spent it at my cousins house which was pretty big and fancy

The house gave me the creeps at night though

They used to have very strange occurences at the house

When I was younger, they lived in a smaller different house that was located right next to another uncle of mine

As my uncle started making more money in his profession as a doctor, he bought quite a big piece of land and started constructing a gorgeous new two story house. While constructing the house though, my cousins would have strange things happen when they first moved in while the house was still in construction

Theres my uncle, aunt, eldest girl cousin (Gabby), second eldest boy cousin (Nene), youngest boy cousin (Edgar), youngest girl cousin (Erica)

Erica is just one day younger than me so we are very close

Gabby had the first experience where she heard someone tapping their nails on her nightstand while trying to sleep

She has her own room and was alone so it couldn't have been anyone else. The next two encounters in the house happened to Nene which are rather scary and puzzling

One night while trying to sleep Nene was awoken by what sounded like an old women talking in a very low voice

He turned to see what it was and found an old woman, sitting on a chair that he didn't own, in the corner


Anjali korde

10-Aug-2023 10:42 AM

Nice part
